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Link_Ruthless Bastards Page 15

  “What, no you’re wrong about the information. Hell, Addy, I had tapes of him talking about the shipments. I had video of him going to the warehouse, checking the stock of drugs.”

  “No, what you had was a businessman talking about shipments from Mexico. Shipments he conveniently had a manifest listing them as sugar. He even had invoices from the manufacturer in Mexico and several previous shipments going to big chain grocery stores. You had nothing which could have put him in jail. Make his life difficult, but not put him behind bars like you’ve always thought.”

  “How do you even know any of this and why am I only finding this out now?”

  “Because Tuck came and talked to me last night. He suspected you were going to run today after he saw you and Link going to his room. He knew you, like Link, would think it was better for everyone involved if you tucked tail and ran. When Cinny called me this morning and said you high tailed it out of the Club at o’dark thirty, I knew I needed to get to you before you made the worst decision of your life.”

  “Damn it, Addy, you still don’t get it. This thing between Link and me, yeah, it’s something, but it’s not like what you and Whisk have, we don’t have the history or the love. We’re either fighting or as of last night, fucking. Link doesn’t let anyone in. He isn’t the type of man to settle down with one woman for the long haul. Where exactly does that leave me, his Old Lady in name only because he’s protecting me from the Club and their enemies? No thank you.”

  “Wow, in all the years we’ve known each other, I’ve never once thought you were a drama queen, but hell, Carri, that little performance deserves a standing ovation. Let’s talk about how much Link thinks about you as an obligation. Since the moment you came into town, he hasn’t been with another woman. He has spent every waking moment trying to keep you safe and away from all the shit going down. Then there’s his claim. Do you really believe for one second that man would claim you to his Brothers and everyone else if he didn’t have more feelings for you than obligation? You’re deluding yourself; he would still protect you and could without the claim. You’re the Club’s lawyer, you have a right to information the rest of us don’t.”

  “Damn, Addy, you don’t know how much I want to believe that. I think I’m half in love with the asshole already, and it’s only been a few short weeks. Being here with all of you, I realized how lonely I truly was in Lexington. I don’t want to go back, I just…”

  “You’re just questioning everything like you always do and not looking at what is right in front of your face. That man loves you and you aren’t half in love with him, you passed that point a while back. You are totally in love with him. I can’t make your mind up for you, I can’t even push you into the decision I think you should make. All I can do as your friend is make you look at the bigger picture. If you want this, want the life you’ve been building here in Defiance, you know exactly what you need to do. Quit thinking about it and go with what you feel in your heart. Don’t wimp out on me now. Storm needs a bad ass aunt at his side, not one who’s going to run away every time things get a little rough.”

  For the first time, Carri laughed. God, she loved Addy, and she was right, she loved Link too. Shit, she needed to talk to him. Grabbing her purse, Carri scooted out of the booth.

  “Well, we can’t let little Storm down, now can we? I think I need to track his uncle down and do some groveling of my own.”

  “You do that, Carri. If the groveling doesn’t work, get down on your knees and suck the first thing that pops up.”

  “Addy!” Carri said placing her hand on her chest, acting shocked. “I can’t believe such a good girl like you would say something like that. What is this world coming to?”

  “Oh, honey, I might be all nice and sweet on the outside, but behind closed doors and between the sheets, I do what all of us do, let our men know exactly what we think of them. Try it out, you might find your newest hobby, I did.”

  “Love you, honey,” Carri laughed and leaned into the booth giving Addy a hug and a kiss. “Thanks for talking me off the ledge, I needed it.”

  “Just returning the favor. Now, go and get your man.”

  “On it.” Carri started walking toward the door. “I have to make one stop before I get there. Do you think Norman’s has knee pads? I have a feeling I’m going to need them.” She didn’t care that the diner was full of people who heard exactly what she’d said, it made Addy laugh, and Carri felt lighter than she had in a very long time. Link wouldn’t know what hit him, she was in, all in.

  Chapter 21

  Link made it back to the Clubhouse just in time for Church. He was still a little pissed off at Carri, but he knew, by the way he left her, that sooner or later the woman would be at his door, and he couldn’t wait. The first thing he would do was fuck her brains out, then he was spanking her ass for putting them both through this. He hadn’t wanted to leave the office, but he knew the little minx needed to figure shit out for herself before she came to him. Then all bets were off. She wouldn’t question what they had, ever again.

  He was going to throw a cut on her back with his claim, and as soon as he could, he was taking her to get a tat on her ass with his name on it, so everyone knew exactly who she belonged to; he wasn’t taking any risks. One day, if they both decided, he would put a ring on her finger. But this was a start. The look on her face when he’d left made him smile.

  Taking his seat to the right of Tuck, he waited for him to bring the meeting to order. He noticed Brass and a few of the other brothers staring at him.


  “That thing on your face is creepy, dude. Makes me want to run from the room and shit,” Brass said with an entirely straight face.

  “Well I suggest you get used to it asshole, this is what happens when you find quality.” Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Link didn’t joke around much, and he knew that he’d been an ass to just about everyone in the room lately. It was nice to get a little piece of himself back.

  Tuck pounded the gavel down on the table. “Settle down, we have a lot to go over before tonight. First and foremost, I’m calling a vote to make Carri our new Club Lawyer. Link claimed her last night, so she’ll also be an Old Lady and a member of this club.”

  The vote went without a single objection. Link hadn’t thought there would be one, but until it was through, he still held back a little. He should have known better, his girl was damn good at what she did, and all the guys respected and liked her, it was a no brainer.

  “Glad to see everyone is in agreement. I’m having a couple of the Prospects clean out Carri’s office. She has done all that she can with the files we gathered from Dowes’ home and office. She still has a few which need to be gone through. Talon, I’m assigning that task to you. If you find something which needs her attention and legal expertise, then give it to her. Otherwise, I want those files locked up tight. If word gets out we let our own lawyer run roughhouse over us, our reputation will take a hit. It will make other clubs think they we’re vulnerable, even though we know the truth. We are strong and united.”

  Link watched for any reaction from the Brothers at that announcement, but he didn’t see anything except acceptance. They had a traitor, he and Tuck both knew it. Why that fucker targeted Carri was something he was still having a hard time wrapping his head around.

  Talon was the only member who even raised his eyebrow at what Tuck was proposing, and Link knew without a shadow of a doubt that Tal was loyal. He wouldn’t ever put Carri, or any other woman for that matter, in danger.

  “Will do, Prez. Have the files sent to my office. I’ll go through the remaining ones and write up a report. If there’s anything Carri needs to know about, I’ll let her know.”

  “Okay, now we need to discuss tonight. The shipment, which we believe is women, is supposed to take place tonight. We have had eyes on the airfield for a month, and last night several semis came in and parked, so we know the shipment is still a go.

  They spent the
next hour going over logistics, what part everyone would play, what equipment they needed, and how they were going to handle it if the shipment really was of the human variety. They couldn’t call in their handler; Raimes was in the wind. Something they would need to deal with sooner rather than later.

  “I think we should call in Shade and his boys. We’re going to need the help, and he’ll have the contacts we don’t,” Link said.

  “Already done. Shade agreed to come in and clean up; he’ll be waiting close by for our call. Since he’s a state boy, he doesn’t need to inform the locals until after the deed is done. He’ll list it as an anonymous tip. The only catch is we need to let the trucks leave the airfield first. If any of this goes down on the property, we’ll have to deal with Homeland and TSA. That’s a bunch of red tape and headaches we don’t want to have. Worthington and Haslet will get detained, and we won’t get the chance to find out exactly who is running this show,” Tuck said.

  “I’m going to take several of you through the tunnels,” Link continued. “It gives us the element of surprise, and I want everyone battle ready. We have no idea what time this is going down, but as soon as those truckers come back, I want everyone at the ready. We’re going to need several bikes staged, so we can get to them and off the airfield. There’s a spot just west of the tunnel exit that should work.” Link showed the guys where he was talking about on the map.

  “Here’s the other thing,” Tuck took over. “This mission is for patched members only; no Prospects will be brought in to help. That being said, we have another vote to attend to, two actually. Crash and Creed have been Prospecting for a year now. I believe they’re ready to become full patched members. They have proven their loyalty to this Club time and time again. What say you?” Every member voted in the affirmative, making Crash and Creed full members. “Okay, let’s bring them in and give them the good news that they aren’t getting a patch party, but a mission instead.”

  “Let me do the honors.” Brass got up with a huge, shit-eating grin on his face, walked over to the door, and bellowed, “Prospects Creed and Crash get your asses in here NOW!” Everyone at the table sobered up as soon as the two men walked in and Brass slammed the door behind them. Tuck stood up from the head of the table, put his hands on it and then leaned forward, looking at the two men like he planned on kick their asses any second. Link had to bring his hand up to his mouth to cover his own grin.

  “What makes the two of you motherfuckers think you belong in the best MC in the state of Kentucky, let alone the within borders of the good old U. S of A.?” Both Creek and Crash looked shell-shocked. Tuck didn’t give them any quarter. “What say you!” he yelled. Both men finally getting a clue of what was going on, went on full attention—feet spread, shoulder width apart, hands locked firmly behind their backs, and their head held high—and recited the oath every member did when joining the RBMC.

  I will defend my Club

  I will protect the weak and the freedom we all seek.

  I will sacrifice all, so the RBMC will survive.

  I will fight to the death, so errors of our past don’t repeat themselves in the future.

  Anyone who threatens this Club or its members is my enemy.

  I will live by this code until my last breath.

  Ruthless Bastards in life.

  Ruthless Bastards in death.

  Ruthless Bastards forever.

  “Well then, boys, I think there’s only one thing left to do,” Link said, throwing the new cuts onto the table. Brass had already put two new chairs around the table. “From this day forward, you have vowed your fidelity to this Club and the members present, that you’ll abide by our bylaws, always putting the Club first, working to obtain what we all hold true in our hearts. We live as one and ride as one. We are the Ruthless Bastards, let no motherfucker ever get in your way. Welcome and Congratulations, you’ve earned your place at this table.” After the guys gave the new members their congratulations, Tuck brought the meeting back to order.

  “Now, usually, we would throw you two a big-assed party, but that’s going to have to wait. We have a mission tonight which will have to take precedence over the party. But make no mistake, once this is done, you’ll be properly welcomed into the fold.”

  The group filled the newcomers in on what was going on and what to expect. Creed and Crash didn’t disappoint, not that Link thought they would; these were good men as dedicated as the rest of them to freeing the world of scum like Worthington and Haslet.

  “Okay, there’s only one final piece we need to discuss, and then I’ll dismiss you all to prepare for battle. Jinx, what did you find out from Dowes?”

  “Not much we didn’t already know. The guy was a patsy for Worthington, he has no clue who the big boss really is. As far as he’s concerned, it started with Worthington and ended with him. The man came to him a year ago and showed Dowes what he wanted him to do. On top of skimming from the Club, Worthington gave him one hundred percent pay back for every penny he took from us. Dowes hired Judd Whittington to follow some of the patched members. That’s the only reason he had anything on us.”

  “I made a call to Tanner, he’s going to have a talk with Whittington. The Sacred Saints will be watching over him for a while. Let’s just say, the man’s business is about to take a turn for the worse.”

  “Okay, the last thing, I want all the Old Ladies and families brought in tonight, Cathy and Crank included. Blade, I’m going to put you in charge of that. Crank hasn’t been around lately, and I don’t think he’ll bring in Cathy willingly. Get his room ready and if he wants to keep her presence at the Clubhouse under wraps, make arrangements for them to come in a back way. I don’t want to leave anything to chance or anyone left vulnerable. The Prospects, Blade, and Crank can hang back at the Clubhouse and make sure everything is secure.”

  Tuck adjoined the meeting, and Link only had one thing on his mind, Carrington. He did stop long enough to slap both Creed and Crank on their backs, offer them his congratulations and promising them a beer or two once all this shit was taken care of.

  When he finally made it out, Addy was sitting at a table just outside of the door and motioned him over. This was weird, Addy never sought him out for anything. He still had a lot to do to repair his relationship with her, but with the baby on the way, his niece or nephew, he was more than willing to put in the time.

  “What’s up, hon? Whisk should be out here soon.”

  “Carri’s here. She went up to your room, but before you storm off to confront her, I wanted to talk to you first.” Link really didn’t want to, but he sat down like a good little boy and waited for what Addy had to say. “Carri is my best friend, I know her better than she knows herself. That being said, I did you a favor.” Well shit, that got his attention damn quick.

  “She was ready to run, run away from you and Defiance. She thinks everything that’s happened is her fault because she could have prevented it. I changed her mind. I clued her in on a few things she didn’t know about. She was also running from you. She doesn’t want to be an obligation to you, she doesn’t want your claim if it only means your protection. She would put herself in the line of fire before she ever let that happen. Do you get what I’m saying to you, Link? If you don’t have feelings, real feelings, for my friend, if this isn’t about loving her, even a little, then tell her and let her go. Don’t go through with making her your Old Lady unless that’s what you want with all your heart.

  “You want my forgiveness for what happened when we were all kids. You have it, but if you hurt Carri, that’s something I’ll never forgive. She loves you, she just isn’t willing to admit it yet, and when Carri loves, it’s with everything she has. Cherish that.”

  Addy got up and left the table, leaving Link a little stunned and a lot shocked. He knew Carrington felt something for him, but he hadn’t let himself hope it was love. He was also a little pissed she was getting ready to run and he didn’t have the first clue about it. That was something they were
going to talk about and since she was right upstairs, now seemed like a good time to clear the air, once and for all.

  Chapter 22

  Carri used the rental car which had been delivered to drive herself to the Clubhouse, all the while running the words she wanted to say to Link through her head. She was so caught up in preparing her speech, she barely paid any attention to what was going on in the Clubhouse, going straight for Link’s room. If he wasn’t there, she figured she would wait him out; he would show up, eventually.

  When she opened the door, reality of where she was slammed into her full force. There on Link’s bed was the one woman Carri had hoped never to see again, Valerie Haslet, her nemesis in high school and one of the biggest bitches Carri had ever met. Shocked at first, she just stood there quietly taking in the scene. Seeing this woman here in the same bed she had been in herself not even twelve hours ago pissed her off more than she could say.

  The only thing saving Link’s ass was he wasn’t in the room. She was astonished she didn’t even think Link had set this up. She trusted him. No, this was all the harpy’s doing. Her words confirmed that.

  “Oh, Carrington, how nice to see you. Link said if you showed up to tell you he wasn’t interested anymore, so you know what they say, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”

  Link didn’t even know she was going to be there, how Val did, she would never know.

  “Well if it isn’t Valerie Haslet as I live and breathe. You look mighty comfortable in that bed. I wonder,” Carri said, putting her finger up to her lip, “how Link’s going to react to seeing you in his bed. Didn’t he ban you from the Club?”

  Val’s eyes widened at her statement, and that was when Carri knew she had her, but she didn’t get a chance to open her mouth because the man of the hour chose that moment to grace them with his presence. Val went into full on mode, whipping the sheet away from her body and spreading her legs. Putting what Carri thought was supposed to be a sensual look on her face as she ran her hands all over her plastic body.