Link_Ruthless Bastards Page 14
Carri slid her hands around his neck and pulled him until his face was so close their lips were touching, “Then you better get on with it, Link. I think I might like screaming your name.”
Link pulled himself out, then slowly entered her again, taking his time, teasing her. Carri’s groan of pleasure made him want this to last, but he knew it wouldn’t. Pulling himself back out, Link focused on Carri, slowing pushing himself in again. He watched as her eyes widened. When she brought her legs around his waist and squeezed him to her, trying to force him to go faster, Link laughed. Pulling out and thrusting a little harder, Link started a maddening pace.
Fucking hell, Carri’s pussy was so damn tight, she fit his cock like a warm silky glove. The feeling alone made him thrust harder. Feeling the cum bubbling in his balls, Link dropped his head to her neck, pumping harder and faster. Carri moved with him, pumping her hips just as fast. The walls of her pussy squeezed him over and over again until they clamped down on him like a vice, forcing his own orgasm. Link grunted through hard breaths and came harder than he’d ever come before. The top of his head even felt weird and tingly. Pulling back and looking into her eyes, Link kissed her.
“Damn, baby.”
Carri didn’t talk, only ran her fingers through his hair, her eyes closed, a slight smile on her face. Shit, he could see that sight for the rest of his life and be happy. Getting up after a while, he cleaned up and got rid of the condom. Link got back into bed with a sleeping Carri, and for the first time in his life, he felt content. He was done analyzing this shit. She was his, end of story, and as soon as they got up in the morning and he had his way with her again, he would make sure she knew exactly where her place was, with him. Pulling her closer, Link liked the feel of her in his arms and in his bed. He fell asleep thinking this is what he’d been missing all this time. Carri.
Chapter 20
Carri woke up hot as hell and not in the sexy way; no, she was hot as in sweating. What the hell had Suzie done, turned the furnace on full blast? Carri kicked at the covers to try to get some relief, but the covers weren’t made of fabric. That was confirmed by the very masculine grunt one of her kicks caused. No, these covers were solid. The night started to come back to her; she’d slept with Link. Holy shit.
She hadn’t been that drunk, she knew exactly what she was doing, but she’d never been one who woke up right away bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. It always took her some time to get her shit together. This morning was no different. The more she laid there and thought about everything that had gone down last night, the more she started to panic. It might have been the best damn night of her life, but shit, it wasn’t at all what she’d planned. She wanted sex, no-holds-barred sex; what she got was way more than that.
Link had given her everything, and she returned the favor. Carri had been in relationships before, had sex plenty of times, but what happened between her and Link was beyond sex. Damn, the way he looked at her, the way he made love to her. Fuck, this wasn’t good. Well, it had been good, better than any other time, but shit. She’d decided he was right, she needed to go back to her life, away from the RBMC.
Tuck had told her she was a liability and a danger to the club; she couldn’t let Link take that on. She knew he would, he tried to protect everyone he cared about and after last night, there was no doubt in her mind he cared about her. She didn’t think he loved her, she wasn’t that naïve. But she was already more than halfway there, and that wouldn’t be good for either one of them. She refused to put another person she loved and cared about in danger because of her sperm donor.
If her father got wind of the relationship between her and Link, he would use it to either control him or try to control her. Even if her father was out of the picture, knowing what she did about the RBMC would put Link in a bad position. Decision made, Carri started to extract herself from beneath Link’s arms. She needed to leave, and she needed to do it now.
It took her longer than she’d expected; even in a deep sleep, the man was like an octopus. As soon as she moved one of his arms, the other one would wrap around her, then there were his long-assed legs. She ended up squirming until she hit the floor, landing right on her butt. Nothing graceful about that move, but it did the trick.
Quickly grabbing her clothes from the pile on the floor, Carri didn’t bother looking for her bra or underwear; she would go commando to get out of this room. She kept an eye on Link every step of the way. He was snoring lightly and had pulled the pillow she’d been sleeping on into his chest, much like he had done to her. That made her smile, Lincoln Frost liked to cuddle. Too bad that was the first and only time she would get to experience that. She planned to get back to the office, clean up, and get the hell out of dodge as fast as she could.
Carri knew Lexington wouldn’t be far enough away this time, but she still had that client in Montana. She could go there and finish up her work. The RBMC wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near her there and neither could her father. The plan was already forming in her brain, and after a couple of seconds she gave up looking for her shoes. The room was dark, she wouldn’t risk making any more noise that could wake Link up.
With one last look at the man who had become everything to her in such a short time, Carri left his room and his life. It was for the best. It was also time someone put Link first instead of him always having to come to other people’s rescue. She wouldn’t be one of those people, he meant too much to her.
Doing the walk of shame through the Clubhouse, Carri held her head high. Not that it mattered, she didn’t see another person until she hit the common room, and even though there were people in there, most of them were sleeping. Reagan was behind the bar making a pot of coffee. When she looked up and took in Carri’s appearance, she smiled.
“Well I’ll be damned. I never thought I would ever see Carrington Worthington doing the walk of shame. Rough night, honey?”
“Shut up, Reagan, and give me a cup of that.” Reagan obliged her and Carri drank the dark, heavenly liquid, burning her tongue in the process. That didn’t stop her, she drank until the cup was empty. After she was a little less fuzzy, she asked, “Can you give me a ride to the office?”
“Sure, honey, but don’t you think you should maybe do something about that hair or find some shoes? I mean, the just fucked look works for most people, but I think you might frighten the fine citizens of Defiance if any of them got a good look at you.”
“No time, I need to be at the courthouse in a couple of hours, and I need to change.” That was as good of an excuse as she could come up with. She did need to go to the courthouse to file some documents for the Club, but she didn’t have an appointment, she didn’t need one to go to the Clerk’s office. Thankfully Reagan bought it.
“I’m waiting on Tank, then we can head out. I wanted to get as much work done on the accounts you gave me yesterday before we go on lockdown tonight.”
That was news to Carri, she hadn’t known the club was going on lockdown. But it made sense, this was the end of the month and whatever her father and the others planned would be going down tonight. Shit, she really needed to get this show on the road. She kept an eye on the clock behind the bar; she’d only been sitting there for about ten minutes. She had no idea if Link was a light sleeper, she hoped that between his run and the marathon session they had between the sheet, he would be out for a while longer.
Carri couldn’t have been happier when Tank walked in. He addressed both of them with a “Ladies”, then proceeded to lean over the bar and kiss the hell out of Reagan. For a few seconds, Carri considered getting up and giving the two of them some privacy, but the kiss stopped as fast as it started. The look on Reagan’s and Tank’s faces, those brought back memories from last night she didn’t want to remember, just yet. Link had looked at her that way, like he couldn’t get enough of her, but there was more to it than pure lust. Just like Tank and Reagan. Her thoughts made Carri second guess herself, but she knew what was best. She would have to suck it up and pick
up the pieces when she got away.
“What’s up,” Tank leaned up against the bar and looked right at Carri, “looks like you lost a few things last night.”
Carri didn’t miss the way that Tank watched her, he was making a joke, but he was also assessing her, waiting to see if she would give him more information. She wouldn’t, but he didn’t have to know that. The best way to handle a man like Tank was to give him the truth, leaving out just enough information, so he didn’t pursue the questioning.
“Yeah, it was one hell of a crazy night, but I need to be in court. Reagan said you could give me a ride to the office.” She saw the moment Tank accepted her answer and almost breathed a sigh of relief.
“That means we have to take a cage,” he groaned. “Babe, grab one of the sets of keys from behind there for me, will you?” Reagan already had a set of keys and was walking out from behind the bar, travel mugs of coffee in hand. She handed one to Tank and one to Carri. This time, she did moan a little. She needed a hell of a lot more coffee to get through this day.
As soon as they got to the office, Carri gathered up some clothes she’d been storing there and went into the bathroom. There wasn’t a shower here, but she would make do with the sink. She stripped out of her clothes and washed her body, using the hand soap, not something she would normally do, but desperate times called for desperate measures. She then tackled her hair with some dry shampoo she had in her makeup bag. She hated the stuff, but it did its job. Fashioning her hair into a braid, she looked in the mirror and groaned. She still looked like she’d just been fucked ten ways to Sunday.
After liberally applying some makeup, she got dressed in the same suit Addy had gotten her for court with Talon, only this time she had a shirt which actually fit. With one last look in the mirror, Carri figured this was as good as it would get. Looking at her phone, she noticed it was just after seven in the morning. She still had some time to take care of a few things before she could go over to the courthouse.
Going back to her office, she jolted her computer to life by hitting the mouse and started making arrangements. She couldn’t call her office about going back to Montana, but she could make flight plans and have a rental car delivered to her. Once that was done, she called Suzie and asked her to pack up her stuff. Suzie started to question her, but Carri cut her off with a work excuse. She hated lying to her friends, but she didn’t know what else to do.
Carri had gotten up to get another cup of much needed coffee when one pissed off man crashed into her office. Carri stood there like a deer caught in headlights.
“What the hell Carrington, couldn’t even bother to wake me up before you ran out of my room like a one-night stand gone wrong? I expected more from you, especially after last night.”
Carri knew she needed to make this good and the best way to get Link out of her office was to piss him off. She’d learned that lesson over the last few weeks.
“That’s exactly what last night was, Link, a one-night stand, not to happen again. I was drunk, pissed off, and a little lonely. You offered me a reprieve, I took you up on it, nothing more.”
“Bullshit. You and I both know last night was about a hell of a lot more than you getting your rocks off and having a good time. I never took you for a coward, Carrington. You need to admit there’s more going on between us than just some fucking hormones and lust.”
“That’s where your wrong, Link.” Carri couldn’t look at him while she drove her point home, so she started to push some papers around on her desk. “We aren’t good for each other on any level. Don’t get me wrong, you rocked my world, but that’s all we’ll ever be to each other, a nice hard round of sex. Now, if you don’t mind, I have to be in court soon, and I want to prepare.”
The snide ‘really’ from Link should have clued her in that she’d met her match, but Carri was still trying to hold it together. She kept a constant mantra going in her brain, a couple of more minutes and he will leave, taking her heart right along with him. She knew when she did it, she should have never looked up, but it was too late, Link was stalking her. Instinctively, she took a step back, but that didn’t stop him. She never got another word out before he had her caged within his arms, pushed up against the wall of her office.
Link pushed his body into hers, grinding against her body, lighting her up like a Christmas tree. He’d pushed her against the wall with a little more force than she’d expected. It didn’t hurt her, hell, she wasn’t even close to being hurt. She should’ve been pissed, maybe even protested a little, but fuck, this was hot. How was she ever going to let this man go? Her body knew he was the one for her, she was already dripping wet and aching for his touch.
When he pushed up her skirt and started to trace a pattern up her thigh, again she should have said something. Instead, she lifted her leg up, curling it around his hip. But damn, there was no thought left in her brain when his fingers pushed her panties aside and swept through her folds. When he started talking all she could do was moan out his name.
“Fuck, Carrington, you’re so wet for me. Still, want to tell me that this thing between us was only a one off?”
Carri opened her eyes and looked into his hazel green eyes. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled Link until his mouth was a whisper away from hers.
“I’ve been wet for you before, Link, didn’t mean anything then and it doesn’t mean anything now except I want to fuck. Think you can handle that?”
Links lips crashed into her, and Carri was helpless to do anything, but part her lips. She wanted this kiss, needed it. When his tongue plunged into her mouth, she reciprocated, fighting for the dominant position. She would let him have it eventually, but now, she wanted to play.
When she finally relented, he didn’t disappoint, taking over the kiss and sending it into something new, hotter, deeper. When he started to grind his cock against her while fucking her with his fingers, she nearly exploded. She was so close, a little more, and she would be in heaven. Carri pulled back from the kiss.
“Link, I need you inside me now,” Carri demanded though it came out as a plea.
“I’m already inside you Carri,” he said, emphasizing the fact by thrusting his finger deeper and adding another digit, stretching Carri just right.
Throwing her head back, Carri closed her eyes, enjoying the ride he was giving her. But damn, she wanted more, she wanted it all, one more memory to take with her when she left. It was wrong, she knew it, but if this man was within a mile of her, she knew she couldn’t resist him, ever.
When he stopped moving, Carri opened her eyes and looked at him. Link licked his lips using that talented tongue of his to drive her even more crazy by moving extremely slow over his bottom lip and smiled.
“You can have me, Carri, anyway you want me as soon as you admit what’s going on between us is more than a one off.” And then he smiled and walked right out of the room.
Chapter 21
Asshole! Carri wanted to scream it, but she didn’t because that would give Link exactly what he wanted, an opening, and she needed to follow through with what she’d planned.
Carri grabbed her briefcase and walked right out of the office, not telling anyone where she was going or what she was doing. She hadn’t even taken three steps out the door when Addy blocked her path.
“Come and have breakfast with me.”
“Can’t, I have to be in court.”
“Yeah, I doubt that, Carri, court doesn’t even get started until after nine and it’s barely eight. Let’s go have breakfast.”
Carri dropped her head knowing this was one battle she would never win. Addy was the one person she couldn’t outright lie or say no to. So, although she didn’t want to, she followed Addy to the diner right down the road. Once they were seated in the booth, Addy got right to the point.
“Why are you running, Carri, it’s not like you?”
“Really, Addy, running is what I do best, think about it. When I found out all that shit about my dad, I ran to yo
u, then as soon as I could, I ran right out of town to college. What makes you think this is any different?”
“It’s different because Link has claimed you as his, it’s different because even though I still might think he’s an ass on most days, he lights up your eyes and makes you happier than I’ve ever seen you before. That man makes you feel. Do I need to go on?”
“That isn’t all of it, Addy, there are things you don’t know, things that could get him and everyone else hurt. I won’t do that to any of you, ever again. If I had only followed through, none of you would have been injured. If I had only left when he wanted me to, Link wouldn’t feel obligated to protect me by making his claim. I know how the MC works, I can’t know the things I do without being an Old Lady. His hand was forced, and I’ll not have that, for him or for me. How the hell do you know any of this, anyway? Shit, it happened less than two hours ago.”
“Oh, honey, you’ll soon learn the grapevine is alive and well at the RBMC. The Old Ladies, and even some of the Puppets, stick together. I have an idea of what you found out, and I also have an idea of what Tuck said to you.” When Carri went to talk Addy stopped her, “I’m not going to go into any of that, but I want you to stop and think about all of this without adding your father into it. What happened to me and the others had nothing to do with you. You are not responsible for your dad’s actions any more than I’m responsible for Jamie’s or those men who attacked me at the farm.”
“You’re not getting it, Addy. If I would have had his ass thrown in jail instead of using that information to get out from under his thumb, none of this would be happening now. It’s my fault. You might not want to accept that, but I do.”
“That’s where you’re wrong Tuck and I’ve been over this and the information you had on your Dad would have hurt his business, the press would have had a field day with him, but he would have never seen a day behind bars. Otherwise, Slade and Tuck would have put him there for you; they tried.”