Link_Ruthless Bastards Read online

Page 9

  “No, I haven’t forgiven him, but I’m getting there. His intentions were in the right place, he wanted to protect his brother. The way he went about it, yeah, that sucked. But under all that rough and gruff bluster, Link is a good man, I’ve seen it. Granted, it’s not overt like helping old ladies cross the street or rescuing small animals, but he has his moments where his true self shines through; seen one in my kitchen not too long ago. You just have to keep your eyes open and listen. There is good in Lincoln Frost, I’m sure of it, and one day I’ll forgive him and put the past behind us, like I did with Aiden.”

  “I don’t know, Addy, you might be right, but I don’t think I’ll be around long enough to see it. One thing I can tell you, when I grow up, I want to be just like you.”

  “Whatever, ‘Miss I am the youngest partner in my law firm’. I think when I grow up, I want to be just like you. Big house, lots of money to spread around, and unimaginable success.”

  “Please, you and I both know you would be miserable outside of this farm. Plus, money and success yeah, they’re nice to have, but they aren’t everything. Look at what you have, see what you are growing. Addy, you have a family, people who love you, and you are one of the sincerest and giving people, I’ve ever met. Your ability to forgive and move forward amazes me.”

  “Stop it, Carri, you’re making me blush. You make me sound like some sort of saint when we both know that’s not true. I can hold a grudge as well as the next person, and I get plenty pissed off daily.”

  “Alright, Saint Addison, you’re a bad ass, my mistake. Now get your ass up and go and talk to that man of yours. He has changed his direction; now every five seconds, he goes toward the door, you know what that means.”

  “Yeah,” Addy said standing up then leaning down hugging Carri, “it means it’s time to let the crazy man know he’s going to be a Daddy. Thank you, Carri, I know it wasn’t right how I got you here, but I’m still glad you came.”

  “Back at ya, sister, now get in there before he comes out here. I’m going to hang out on the porch for a while and let you guys have some privacy.” When Addy turned away, Carri slapped her on the ass and said, “Go get your man, Addy, and never let doubt tarnish what you guys are building here.”

  “I won’t. Love you, Carri, glad you’re home.”

  “You, too, honey.”

  Carri sat on the porch, swinging back and forth. She laughed when a few minutes later she heard Whiskey’s whoop of excitement. Those two were going to make it this time, and she couldn’t be happier for them.

  Chapter 13

  Link barely slept, going over the maps and any and all aerial footage he could get his hands on of the area. A picture was forming in his mind of what these assholes were up to, but he needed to confirm it, and he couldn’t do that without taking a look for himself. Stretching, he made his way into the bathroom and showered. He needed to get out of here and to Addy’s farm before anyone woke up. Well, more accurately before Carrington woke up and caught him going to the cave without her.

  Simply thinking about that woman gave him wood. Her smart mouth and curves called to him like no other woman ever had. For about the hundredth time, he wondered if banging her would diminish the near constant ache he felt in his balls since she walked up to him at the airport.

  But damn, thinking about her mouth made him think about her lips, and his dick responded like a fucking teenager. He was so hard he knew he needed to take himself in hand. Closing his eyes, he imagined Carrington the way he wanted her, on her knees in front of him. Her expressive eyes sparkling with lust and excitement for what he planned to do next, almost daring him to take control.

  His free hand clenched tight thinking about grabbing hold of all that silky, raven hair and pulling her toward his cock. She would fight him a little, just because she could, with a smile on her gorgeous face. When he pulled her close enough, instead of doing what he wanted, she would take her tongue and lick the precum seeping from his shaft.

  Link moaned, dropping his head back on his shoulder, the thought of her velvet tongue touching his cock making his dick twitch with need and his hand move faster. He would let her play for a bit, let her explore every bump, notch, and vein. Then he would take back control and show her who was in charge.

  Link could see it in his mind clearly. He would pull her back and smile, shaking his head, letting her know playtime was over. He would use her hair to pull her back, putting the head of his cock on her lips, nudging and painting them with his precum. She would open for him, taking all of him, sucking him lightly at first, then taking him deep, the way he liked.

  He would guide her—never forcing her, but showing her what he wanted—as he pumped his hips and pushed further and further into her warm, wet mouth. Then she would swallow around his head. Link yelled out her name, “Carrington!” as his cum spewed from his dick all over the wall of the shower. Locking his legs, he had to brace his forearm on the wall to stay upright. Fuck, if the thought of her giving him head did this to him, he didn’t know if he would survive the real thing.

  It took him longer than he cared to think about to get over the massive orgasm. He stood in the shower until the water turned cold and even then, just thinking about Carrington brought his spent shaft to half-mast. Damn it, why her?

  Getting out of the shower, he dried off quickly, went back into his room, and got dressed. He didn’t want to think about Carrington anymore, but the damn woman seemed to be haunting his brain. Time to focus on something else. Grabbing his cut on the way out the door, he made his way downstairs. The place was silent. The parties were fun, but early morning when everyone else was asleep not needing anything, yeah, those were the times he liked best. The guys might be bikers, but they liked to bitch like old biddies most of the time. It was ridiculous. The RBMC was his life, but sometimes he needed a breather and to not feel like a baby sitter or kindergarten teacher. Link got that in the mornings, most days.

  Stepping out onto the porch, Link breathed in the fresh, crisp air, another thing he liked about mornings. Kentucky could be hot and humid as hell, but most times, the mornings were cool. Seeing the cage in the drive, he checked the back seat to make sure his pack was there. It held what he would need for this little trip; ropes, harnesses, water, and everything else. This pack had saved him more than once while in the service.

  Being part of Pararescue was an honor, but to be there, you needed to be skilled. The RBMC often did missions where his skills were needed, so Link still practiced some of the training exercises he was taught to keep in top physical condition and remain sharp at his craft.

  He was amazed at how excited he was to get back into those caves again. It had been years. Exploring them and finding new things brought back some happy memories for Link. Spending time with his brothers actually playing instead of worrying about every little thing were some of the best times in his childhood. That was until he let his guard down, and Talon got hurt. Pop closed off the cave, and Link never stepped foot in them again.

  Shit, he still didn’t know what he would do about Talon. Link and Whiskey were finding their way back to some resemblance of a relationship other than the RBMC, but Talon was an entirely different story. Link didn’t know how to deal with him. He’d always been more sensitive than him or Whisk. He didn’t have time to think about that now, he had a job to do. Talon was with Tuck, so there wasn’t anything he could do, anyway. Might as well concentrate on something he could do.

  He hated getting into the cage, but carrying his pack on the bike was a no go. It was too big and bulky to stow, and he couldn’t wear it on his back. The trip to Addy’s was quick, and at first, he breathed a sigh of relief when he thought everything was quiet. Then he saw the light and Whisk standing at the door.

  He hadn’t even completely gotten out of the cage before Whisk was standing in front of him. What baffled him was the big ole smile on his face. It had been years, decades even, since Whisk was this happy to see him. Something else had to be going on.

  “Hey, asshole, guess what?”

  “Well, looking at the stupid ass grin on your face, I would say you and Addy made up?”

  “Yeah, we did, but that’s not the only reason I’m smiling. I’m going to be a dad, Addison is pregnant.”

  “Wow, that was quick.”

  “Link, don’t start. We didn’t plan it, but I couldn’t be happier about it. I want the chance to be there for her this time. I want this, can’t you even be a little happy for me. Shit, you never fucking change, do you?”

  Link watched his brother’s face change to fury. He knew he needed to do something. Grabbing Whisk’s arm, he made Whisk look at him.

  “I am happy for the both of you. I, shit, Whisk I didn’t use the right words, cut me some slack.”

  “You’re still an asshole, but I’m too happy to let your bad attitude bring me down. What are you doing here so early, anyway? I planned on going to the Club later on and make the announcement.”

  “I’m going to check out the caves. Carri said there’s another entrance, and I want to see exactly what was going on in there.”

  “You want me to grab my gear?”

  “No, I don’t know exactly what I’ll find, just going to check it out. I have all my gear, so you can GPS me if it gets too late, but I’m not expecting any problems.”

  “You wouldn’t, Link. You don’t have to do everything by yourself, all you have to do is ask, and any one of us would be there. You’re always going lone wolf.”

  Link thought, yeah, he did want to do everything alone because it was easier that way, he didn’t have to worry about anyone but himself. He wished Whisk and Addy luck with the whole kid thing, but it was something he didn’t think he would ever want. Raising Whisk and Talon had been enough, he didn’t want to be responsible for a tiny human being. Hell, he’d fucked up the two he was already responsible for, why tempt fate again?

  “That’s me, brother.” Link howled like a wolf, making Whisk laugh.

  “You want to come in for some breakfast? Addy is already cooking up a storm for Carri.”

  Hearing her name made Link get his shit in gear. He needed to be gone by the time Carri woke up and realized he went to the caves without her.

  “Tell Addy congratulations. I’ll buy her some flowers or something later, but right now, I want to get this done. You going to be around the farm today or are you heading into the Clubhouse?”

  “Dude, never, and I mean never, send Addison flowers again, but I’ll tell her you said congratulations. She was worried you would get pissed again, but I told her I’d kick your ass if you tried your usual shit.”

  Whisk might have had a smile on his face, but Link knew his brother would go to the ground for Addy. He didn’t blame him.

  “No ass kicking needed, I’m happy for you both. Plus, bonus,” Link laughed, “I’ve always wanted minions, and I’ve decided that your crib midgets will do just fine to start my new army. I can see it now.”

  “Yeah, hell to the no. My kids are going to be my minions, you already had your chance with Tal and me. Hell, you even have the Prospects. I’ll teach them every time they see good old Uncle Link, they need to poop their pants or cry. I think that’ll be pay back enough for all the shit you put me through as a kid.”

  “Now, who’s the asshole?” Link laughed. He and Whisk weren’t there yet, but he had high hopes they would be someday. Slapping his brother on the back, he started to head out toward the pond where Carri said the cave entrance was located.

  It didn’t take him long to find the pitchfork that Carri had been talking about. He smiled thinking about Pop, the old codger. Shit, the man had known better than to show Link and his brothers this entrance or they would have been back in those caves quicker than shit.

  Pulling away the vines, Link uncovered the boarded-up cave entrance. The boards were so old, he didn’t even need to take out any tools, he was able to pull them off with his hands, one by one. Pop had taken some time with this entrance, creating a wood frame and attaching the boards to the frame. There were morning glory vines everywhere, making Links job a little harder.

  Link started thinking about Jamie Sinclair. They hadn’t been able to locate Addy’s brother, which was saying something; the RBMC had some of the best tracking software around. He was off the grid somewhere, but he was the only one who could have known and told anyone about these caves. Pops hadn’t been a stupid man, he kept these caves under his hat for years. A small part of him hoped Jamie wasn’t involved. They might have had a falling out years ago, but at one time they were friends. Well, sort of, Jamie wasn’t exactly the easiest person to get along with, but then again neither was Link.

  One thing he did know though was if Jamie was behind all this shit or had anything to do with it at all, it would hurt Addy and what hurt Addy, hurt Whisk. He would deal with Jamie all on his own. Jamison Sinclair had a bulls-eye on his back, he just didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter 14

  Carri stumbled downstairs. She needed coffee, and she needed it badly. Going right for the pot, she poured herself a cup and didn’t even bother to wait to let it cool off, she didn’t care if she burnt her tongue. She’d never been fit company for anyone in the morning, and she hated people who woke up all cheerful and happy. Morning sucked. Well, then again, last night hadn’t been that much better.

  Carri had stayed out on the porch for as long as she could, making her way inside sometime after one in the morning. She’d wanted to give Whiskey and Addy some privacy to celebrate their news, but hell those two were loud, as in really loud, and she couldn’t even say it was Whiskey. It was all Addy. Either that man was a sex god or hell, Carri didn’t know, she’d never screamed like that in her life.

  She wasn’t a virgin, nowhere close to one, but damn she would like to experience what her friend obviously did often, just one time. Then, when she finally did fall asleep, her damn dreams were all about Link in the X-rated sense, adding to her frustration. Only to be woken up by some plaster falling off the ceiling because, yep, Addy and Whisk were at it again, and this time, they were trying to shake the house down. Carri was shocked they didn’t break through the ceiling.

  One thing was evident though, Carri needed to find another place to stay. She didn’t know if this was a one off, but she wasn’t willing to stick around and find out. There were some things she didn’t want to know about her friend and her lover. Like how, apparently, Addy liked it harder and deeper, and Whiskey had a thing for Addy clawing him.

  After she poured herself another cup of coffee and felt a little more like herself, she turned around, noticing Addy for the first time. Damn, she must be exhausted. Addy was standing there smiling at her like she was a lunatic.

  “Do you have any spackle?” Carri asked monotone, like it was nothing.

  “I don’t know. Why, are you planning on doing some remodeling while you’re here?” Addy teased. She knew Carri wasn’t a morning person and goaded her any chance she got.

  “No, I was thinking about fixing the hole in the ceiling.” Addy furrowed her brows, looking confused, not having the first clue what Carri was talking about.

  “There’s a hole in the ceiling of the guest room? I didn’t notice anything when I made it up for you,” Addy said, still looking baffled.

  “You probably wouldn’t have noticed it then. A big old chunk of it fell right on my face last night when you and Whisk were doing… hell, honey, I don’t even know what you were doing, but as your lawyer, I can tell you it was probably illegal, not only in this state, but several others too. I thought the damn wall would crash down one me. I even covered my head with the pillow just in case.” Carri watched as Addy’s face started to turn a bright red, but she couldn’t stop there, this was too good. Addy was a good girl, she wasn’t loud or over the top anything, so Carri couldn’t resist teasing her further. “Damn, hon, I’m so amazed you can even walk today, are you sure you don’t need to sit down or something?”

  Addy sat down at th
e table and covered her face with her hands. Carri was pretty sure she heard, Oh God and a Damn, but she didn’t, keeping quiet, waiting Addy out. Carri could barely keep from laughing her ass off, but she managed.

  “I’ll have Whiskey fix the ceiling I’m so sorry. It’s just…” Addy said when she finally looked up.

  Carri didn’t let her finish because she couldn’t keep her giggles inside any longer, “Damn girl, you have no reason to apologize; if a man can make you scream like that, then you are one lucky girl. I’m kind of jealous. So, I take it Whisk took the news about the baby well. Where is the man of the hour? I think I might have to bow or something the next time I see him.”

  “Carri! Don’t you dare,” Addy screeched, making Carri laugh harder.

  Addy’s groan of discomfort only added to Carri’s fit of giggles. Her face and stomach hurt so bad, but she couldn’t stop. After a long while, Carri finally got control of herself. “Seriously though, where is the daddy to be? I want to congratulate him before I head into town with Suzie.”

  “Don’t you dare say anything about last night.” Addy gave her the evil eye. “Pinky swear you’ll keep that to yourself.”

  “Hon,” Carri laughed. She held out her pinky, but when Addy grabbed hold of it to shake, she teased, “I won’t have to say anything because anyone in a ten-mile radius would have already heard.” Addy slapped her arm hard enough that Carri tried to rub away the sting. “Seriously, your secret is safe with me, but, honey, I think I need to hit Suzie up for a place to stay while I’m here. I’m really happy for the both of you, but damn girl, single women do not want to be right next door to people like the two of you. Makes us realize that B.O.B isn’t always the best boyfriend, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh God,” Addy groaned again. That was when Whisk decided to enter the kitchen.