Dalton: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 2) Read online

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  What should she say, sure can you please call your friend the sheriff so he can run the plate on the stolen car I came here in and lead those people right to me!? Just so they can arrest her for having a stolen car. Darn-it, Emma, get your crap together and get rid of this guy, she chastised herself. She knew that her experiences from the last couple of months were jading her actions, but what is a girl to do when a gorgeous man sits down with her on one of her possibly worst days and offers to help. What was she supposed to do? Emma knew that she needed to keep a low profile and not draw any attention to herself. But from the moment she made eye contact with him she almost couldn’t look away. She justified it by thinking that if anyone did see them sitting together they wouldn’t have any better luck taking their eyes off Dalton to pay attention to the sad woman sitting next to him. Shoot, even on her best day this man was way out of her league.

  Dalton Hayes had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. They looked like the water she had seen in pictures of the Caribbean, crystal clear and bright. Everything else about him was the typical cliché: tall, dark, and handsome with broad shoulders and a wide defined chest. The t-shirt with Marvin the Martian on it, believe it or not, was stretched to capacity, allowing for a tease of what was underneath and that was a mass of muscle that the shirt could hardly contain. His well-defined and tanned arms brought her thoughts of strength, safety, and comfort. His light brown hair cut closely at the sides had just enough at the top that she noticed that it had a bit of a wave to it. It was perfect enough to run her fingers through. And of course, his facial features were perfectly strong-featured but not overly large like on some men. There wasn’t a blemish or mark on his perfectly tanned skin. She had never seen a more handsome man. He was rugged, not pretty. He was beautiful, if a man could be considered beautiful.

  Lifting her hand to shake his she said “Sorry Dalton, like I said, long day. My name is Emma, it is nice to meet you.”

  Emma was shocked to discover how much effort it took to even offer her hand to this man. Had those people broken her so badly that she couldn’t even accept the most basic human touch? Then she couldn’t help but chastised herself. If her confinement taught her anything, it was to keep things as vague as possible. Oh, smooth move ex-lax. Give the guy your real name, she thought to herself. Fudge-nuggets, she was not cut out for this. She just needed to get to Uncle Frank’s cottage and then she would be able to figure out the rest.

  Dalton gently turned her hand in his, holding her wrist with a firm yet not painful touch Emma glanced up from his actions, trying to gauge what he was thinking from what he was seeing. She noticed he was scowling and the groove between his eyebrow got deeper the more he took notice of the state of her hands and lower arm. Skimming his other hand up her arm he managed to push Emma’s coat sleeve back far enough so that he was able to get a better look at the bruises and cuts decorating her and she knew she was in big trouble. No way could she explain those away quickly. This man wasn’t letting her hide like she wanted to, like she had planned. Emma started to pull away but he held on stronger, not hurting her but making his point. Emma couldn’t take it any longer, not the feel of his calloused hand on her hand or arm, but the pitying look he seemed to be giving her wounds. She was a survivor. Pulling back hard, Dalton finally released her and she immediately covered herself from his view.

  Dalton didn’t like the look of her of her hands and wrists. The telltale sign of restraints against her wrists and the scratches, bruises, and cuts around the area told a story Dalton wasn’t quite ready to hear just yet. If he had to guess, this woman had been held against her will, and nothing pissed him off more. He could tell by the state of her skin, she had fought hard for her freedom. He also didn’t like it when she pulled away from his touch. He would never hurt her, but then again, she didn’t know that.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Emma. But honey, you need to tell me what to do next. I can see you need help. You need to let me know what support that entails. I noticed you flinch at the mention of the sheriff and if you are in trouble, I promise I can and will help you out with as few question’s as possible, I can’t say there won’t be any question’s Emma, I am sure you understand. But honey, someone needs to take a look at your hands because several of those cuts are infected and you look like you haven’t slept in a month.”

  Emma was ashamed; she knew she looked bad, but what was she supposed to do? It’s not like she liked the way she looked or felt at the moment. She just didn’t have any choice in the matter. But there was no way she was going to tell this gorgeous man that. She just wanted to hide and get on with her life. She knew she was kidding herself because Dalton’s demeanor let her know he wasn’t going to let any of what he saw go unaddressed!

  Dalton continued. “I can get you to the clinic or a friend I know can check you out. She is up at my house right now and she has medical training. I can’t just let you leave without at least going to the clinic or seeing Rye.”

  Dalton needed to turn a corner with Emma soon, or she was going to bolt and he knew it. But he needed to help her, and he would. She would just have to get used to the fact. For some reason, he just could not walk away from her.

  “Honey, I also noticed that you are sweating and I am hoping that is because you are wearing that huge ass coat in the middle of August. But if you have a fever then the infection in your hands could have traveled to your blood and it is not safe for you to be out and about by yourself.”

  Emma had always believed that she wasn’t a stupid woman, but Dalton was making her feel that way. She knew her appearance was odd and out of place, but she just felt it was a necessary evil. Emma also knew that her hands and wrists were in bad shape, but again, she didn’t have the means to do anything about it right now. She had convinced herself that if she could just get to the safety of the cabin, she would be able to figure the rest out.

  “I gave you my name and I could make you a list of references, but you wouldn’t know any of them so that wouldn’t do either of us any good.” Dalton continued. “What I can tell you is that I work for an organization called NAC. We help women and children all over the world and my friend that was talking about works for The Holly Group. Have you ever heard of those groups before?”

  Emma had heard of The Holly Group before and she was pretty sure that knowing that name was the reason she was in this position now. She didn’t blame the group. However, she did blame her former employer and maybe herself for the state she found herself currently in. If she hadn’t read that file, she would have never known what Davis and Pandora planned to do to Ryleigh Quinn and the rest of her group. Wait a minute. He said his friend's name was Rye. Could he be talking about Ryleigh Quinn? If he was, at least she could make something good happened out of this horrible mess.

  “Yes, I have heard of the Holly Group. You said your friend's name was Rye. Are you talking about Ryleigh Quinn?” Emma inquired.

  “One in the same, Emma. But it’s Thorp now. She married my team leader a couple of weeks back.”

  Coming to a conclusion, Emma blurted out “I will go with you and let her look at me.”

  She didn’t tell him about what had happened or why it was so important to her to see the head of The Holly Group. but in Emma’s mind, if she could just warn this woman about what she had read, then just maybe she could deal with everything she had been put through, and hopefully in time put it behind her. She felt guilty that she hadn’t tried harder when she first read the file, to warn the woman about the plans her company had in store for her and the other women of her group. All she had been able to do was send an email and Emma didn’t even know if Ryleigh Quinn had received it. She desperately needed to believe that there was some kind of silver lining to this whole mess and maybe, just maybe, saving Ryleigh Quinn was the answer.

  Her mind was so chaotic that it made sense at that moment. Wrapping her hands around her waist, she tried to give herself some comfort because if the truth be told, she was scar
ed to death. If she could make sure at least one person didn’t suffer the fate she had, she would take the risk. In her mind, it was the least she could do. Then she could get on with her life, whatever that life may be. Maybe stopping in this diner and meeting Dalton Hayes was fate's way of showing her that she still had some control over her life. Emma didn’t know, but she was going to go for it just the same. Finally, relaxing, just a little bit, Emma let her grip around her waist loosen and looked up into Dalton’s eyes. Finding peace, she had never known within their depths, she let out a breath that she hadn’t realized that she was holding. Dalton Hayes brought her peace, how odd.

  Chapter 8

  Shit, that was easier than Dalton thought it would be. He was pretty sure that he was going to have to either call the sheriff or have Rye come down and take a look at Emma herself. Or he could do what his bear was scratching at him to do; throw her over his shoulder and take her back to the lodge, whether she liked it or not. In her condition, he knew that was the wrong choice. The one thing that puzzled him was the relief he saw coming across Emma’s face at the mention of The Holly Group, more specifically Ryleigh. It was a bit disconcerting and it was also the first time he questioned his objective. More was going on with Emma than he knew.

  “How did you get here, honey? Do you have a car or did you come in with someone or on the bus?”

  Dalton was on edge from the way the woman was acting. He did a quick look around the diner and out the window, looking for anyone or anything that would have her so spooked. He hoped that she was alone but couldn’t dismiss the fact that her abuser could be lurking around the corner. After determining that she was in fact alone because besides himself and the Diner staff, he couldn’t detect another presence, he waited for Emma to answer his question.

  “I have a car, why?” Emma responded, nervously.

  Dalton noticed that Emma started to wring her hands together at the mention of the car and he wasn’t sure but suspected that something was up with it.

  Deciding to deal with it later, he said “Now honey, I don’t want you to think I am insulting your driving skills, but I believe that we should leave your car and go in my truck. The roads are a bit dangerous in the backwoods and you look like you're going to nod off at any second. We can let Ruby know you are leaving your car here so doesn’t it get towed. She will also know that you left with me.”

  God, was she crazy for trusting this man she didn’t even know? It could be a trick, but Emma had to go with her gut. She felt safe with this man and she hadn’t felt safe in a very long time. If she got the chance to warn Ryleigh, then that was just the icing on the cake.

  Feeling a little relief for the first time in days, all Emma could say was, “Thanks Dalton.”

  “No problem, honey. Let’s get you gathered up. Ruby just brought out my order.”

  He didn’t mention that the owner of the diner had been watching both of them closely. When her husband brought out his order, she asked without speaking what Dalton wanted her to do. He acknowledged the older woman with a nod, signaling that he had things under control. He was running on pure instinct now and he that instinct was pushing him to get Emma out of the diner and to a safe place.

  Damn-it. Dalton was kicking himself. Cash was going to flip the fuck out. He was bringing an unknown into their base; he knew better. The problem was, he couldn’t help himself because he felt drawn to this woman in a way that he had never felt before. he had to help her. The moment he touched her hand, he knew he was lost. Even covered in that coat, disheveled, dirty, and bruised, his cock was at full mast behind his zipper. He was one sick mother fucker. He needed to get his mind out of the gutter and do right by this woman because it looked that no one had done that in a very long time. When they were walking up to the counter he heard her stomach rumbling, at least he could help her with one thing right off the bat. He also caught himself wondering if fairy tales and legends were true. He felt the pull and the shock. He just didn’t know what to do about it.

  “Hey Ruby, thanks. Would you mind putting a couple of those famous turnovers of your in for me?” Dalton asked. “I don’t think I can make it back without a little treat.”

  Ruby was going on eighty, and one of the nicest women he had ever met. She looked just like Flo from that old TV show and adopted all the regulars. Dalton and all the guys on Alpha Team loved her.

  “Now Dalton, honey, too many treats are not a good thing. I already packed one of my peanut butter pies in there for you. You don’t want to spoil your dinner now do yah?” Ruby joked.

  As subtle as possible, Dalton tried to show Ruby who the treats were really for. And being the quick old coot she was, she immediately picked up on his signal.

  “How about I do you one better Dalton? Jim just made up some sandwiches for the guys down at the fire station. I asked him to make a couple of extras. Why don’t I throw a few in to hold you over until you can make it home? Come to think of it, since you are one of my favorite customers, I will throw in a couple of turnovers too,” Ruby said, winking at him. “But you have to promise not to tell the rest of your guys. I wouldn’t let Sebastian have any the last time he came in to get your order. I don’t want to hurt the boy’s feelings, but he would eat only sweets if we let him.”

  Trying to convey his thanks without voicing it, Dalton leaned forward and kissed Ruby on the cheek.

  “Thanks, Ruby. You're my favorite too.”

  Feeling like he needed to give Emma some reassurance, he introduced her to Ruby. Maybe it would lessen some of the fear that was still wafting off of her; at least he hoped it would. So, while paying for his take-out order, Dalton did just that.

  Taking out his wallet, Dalton asked, “Hey Sugar, how much do I owe you this time?”

  The older woman blushed at Dalton’s endearment, which was his intent. All of the Alpha Team loved Ruby. She was a sweet old broad.

  “Oh honey, you just put that away. You know Cash comes in at the end of the month to settle up,” Ruby replied.

  Dalton replaced his wallet, but not before grabbing a couple of bills to place in the tip jar. The team always paid Ruby at the end of the month and included a tip as well. but all the guys left some extra for the jar for the sweet old lady and her workers. They all knew she shared the contents with all of her workers at the end of the night. Everyone from the wait staff to the dishwasher got a piece of the money accumulated in the jar.

  He placed the bills in the jar and nodded at the old girl, “Okay Ruby, but that is for you,” he winked.

  Ruby acted taken aback, but Dalton knew she appreciated the gesture. Times were hard and every penny help. With a heart as big as Ruby’s, he knew she would make sure her workers had everything she could give them.

  “Ruby, this is Emma,” he said, glancing in her direction, “and if it is okay, she is going to leave her car here while we go up to my place. She has had a rough day and we are going to have Rye check her out. Do you mind?”

  “Oh, sugar. That is fine and it's nice to meet you, Emma. This boy here will take excellent care of you.”

  “Thanks Ruby, I couldn’t have gotten a better endorsement anywhere else,” Dalton shot back.

  Ruby handed him back his receipt for his order and said, “Oh come on, you sweet talker, let me get those sandwiches and get you kids on your way. Dalton, you better make sure Emma gets some of that soup you ordered. I made it fresh this morning. Chicken noodle soup is always good for what ails, yah.”

  “Thanks Ruby, you’re the best,” Dalton thanked her.

  Dalton had noticed the small smile Emma had graced on Ruby, and he was grateful to the older women. Ruby had done her magic by making Emma feel comfortable. He just wished that smile had been for him. How fucked up was that?

  Guiding Emma to the door, he held the door open and waited for her to pass.

  “After you, ma’am,” Dalton said with an over exaggerated southern accent.

  Emma looked back at the Dalton and could feel the blush that stai
ned her cheeks. He was just that hot, but even she knew looks weren’t everything. She appreciated his attempt to make her laugh, even when she didn’t. With all her doubts, she hoped Dalton Hayes was exactly the man he portrayed himself to be- strong and most of all, safe.

  Dalton loved the blush that crept up on Emma’s face. It made her glow even brighter. He knew this woman was questioning herself and her decisions every second, but if he could bring her even the tiniest moment of pleasure, he would kill to do just that. He knew she was important.

  Dalton guided Emma to his truck. He never thought about his truck before, but looking at it from Emma’s point of view, now opened his eyes. He loved his Ford F350 Super Duty; it was a beast of a truck and fit him perfectly. He was a big man and he needed a big truck. At six and a half feet tall, he never thought about how a woman Emma’s size would look at it. The door stood at least four foot off the ground and he had asked the dealership to take off the runners. He didn’t need them. Now looking at it, he was second guessing himself. glancing over, he noticed the shock on Emma’s face that quickly turned into puzzlement. She had no idea how she was going to get up into the truck. Dalton had a solution for that.

  “Here honey let me get the door for you and help you up,” he said, while putting the bags of food on the hood of his truck.

  Emma kind of chuckled, “I was wondering how I was going to get up there. I even started looking for a ladder. don’t these usually come with runners?”