Link_Ruthless Bastards Read online

Page 16

  “What the hell, Val, get the fuck out of my room and off my damn bed. Whoever let you in will pay. You’re banned. That means you’re never to step foot in this place again, not the Clubhouse and sure as hell, not my goddamn bed.”

  “But, Link, I wanted to surprise you. You know how much you like our time together, baby. I’ve missed you, I know you’ve to miss me.”

  Link picked up the clothes on the floor and threw them at Val. “Get dressed and get the fuck out, Val. I don’t know where all this shit you’re saying is coming from, but you need to go.”

  “Now, baby, you know you can’t get enough of my cunt. We’ve been together for so long, don’t let a little disagreement end what we have. Can’t you see how wet I am for you.”

  Carri actually winced at Val’s statement because desperate wasn’t a good look on her, and damn, Carri hadn’t seen a lot of pussies, but Val’s was messed up.

  “Hon,” Carri said, not being one to stand idly by, “you might want to have a doctor check out that sore you have going on there, it’s really not a good look and well, shit, that’s all I got. You need to get that checked out.”

  Carri almost laughed when Link’s head whipped around and stared right at Val’s neither regions. Carri had watched porn before, but this was like a scene out of STDs are us. She wanted to burn the image right out of her mind. Val started to sputter, saying it was a burn from her wax, pulling against Link as he dragged her, naked, toward the door. She must not have caught on to the vibe because she held him like an anaconda and was still pleading with him to let her stay when he put her down in the hall, threw her clothes, and slammed the door.

  Carri couldn’t hold it anymore, she let the laughter she’d been holding back rein free. Link got on his phone and called someone, telling them to get Val out of the Clubhouse and off the property. He also demanded they find out who let her enter in the first place. Then he turned to Carri who was still laughing her ass off; the look on his face only made her laugh harder. They heard Val screeching at whoever Link had called to haul her away. The woman was threating both of them, saying she would make them pay.

  Carri couldn’t help it, the threat only spurred her laughter on to the point she had to bend over to get a full breath in her lungs. When she finally got control of herself, she looked at Link, and the giggles came back full force; he looked like he didn’t know what to do next. He was walking toward her, and she held out her hands to stop him. She was trying her damnedest to pull it together, but this scene had been too much.

  When he bent and she felt his shoulder in her stomach, all the air she’d gained whooshed out her. Her yelled “Hey” only got her a smack right on her ass. Link was moving and moving fast. He didn’t go down the same stairs she’d come up, but punched in a number on a key pad at the opposite end of the hall. Carri kept trying to lift up and struggled a little because she needed air. That resulted in another smack to her ass, this one didn’t sting, this one ignited something else in her, and she moaned.

  Link caressed her ass, dipping his fingers between her legs, adding a little pressure, making her squirm for a different reason altogether. Him rushing down the stairs at top speed ruined the effect, but still. Once they were outside, Link bent and put her on her feet, waiting a second for her to get her bearings before cupping her face and kissing her deeply. Damn this man took her breath away. He pulled away, far too soon for Carri’s liking, so she followed his backward motion, but he stopped her.

  “Babe, that wasn’t, I didn’t, she wasn’t…”

  “I know,” Carri stopped him cupping his cheek, “and I trust you, Link. But you’re going to have a problem with that one. She won’t give you up easily or ever.”

  Link took her hand and started dragging her toward the garage. He was taking her to his bike and Carri started to get really excited. This would be their first ride together, and she planned on making it memorable for both of them. Link handed her an open-faced helmet to put on, then he got on his monster of a bike and started it up.

  Carri looked down at what she was wearing. She was still dressed in a skirt and blouse. She thought, fuck it, and crammed the helmet on her head, pulling the skirt up as high as she could and still remain decent. Hearing the roar of his bike was getting her more excited by the second. When he turned and smiled at her, holding out his hand, she took it gladly. Then he pulled her close, kissing her once again, and Carri was gone.

  “Babe, you’ll be the first woman ever to ride on the back of my bike. I want you to be the only woman ever to ride on the back of my bike, do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  “I think it means you like me, just a little.”

  “No, Babe, it means I like you a hell of a lot more than just a little. Now, get your ass on the bike and hold me close, we’re going to open this baby up.”

  They rode for miles, Carri didn’t know where they were going and didn’t care. She had her man between her legs; smelling his spicy scent mixed with the fresh air was ambrosia to her. Rubbing her hands against his belly, Carri explored until it wasn’t enough, she wanted skin. Pulling until the fabric was released from his pants, she used both her hands on every dip and turn until she wanted, no needed more. Link’s six-pack was a work of art, but there was another part of him she wanted to explore.

  It was probably foolish and more than a little dangerous, but they were in the middle of nowhere with no one else around, so she didn’t hold back, quickly undoing his belt and then the snap of his pants, giving her just enough room to glide her hand between the fabric of his jeans and his skin. She hadn’t even gotten her hand all the way in when her fingers grazed the head of his cock. It was already hot, swollen, and weeping for her touch.

  Link started to breath heavier, and even over the roar of the bike, she could make out a groan. She started kissing his neck in earnest, all the while rubbing her hand over him. There wasn’t enough room for her to maneuver, grabbing him like she wanted to, so she made do. When he turned off the road onto another one, she switched sides, letting her body move with his. They were one, plus, it gave her the chance to explore the other side of his neck, so bonus.

  With one hand in his pants, her lips at his neck, she brought her other hand up and tweaked his nipple. Link stopped the bike, put the kick stand down, and snaked his arm around his back, grabbing her waist. She had to release everything she’d found, but the kiss he gave her, yeah, that was more than worth it. Using strength that shocked her, Link picked her up, never breaking the kiss, so she was straddling his thighs, pushing her skirt further up her ass.

  Link pushed her body back against the gas tank with his body, kissing her deeper, taking her the way only he could do. She felt his fingers at her center, feeling her wetness and excitement for him and pulled away from the kiss long enough to moan her appreciation.

  “You’re mine, Carrington, say it,” Link demanded.

  “All yours, Link,” Carri didn’t need to think about it, “every bit of me, just like you’re mine.”

  Links cock slammed home, deep within her womb, and Carri screamed, not in pain, but in delight. This was what she needed, her and Link together as close as two people could get.

  “You better believe it, Babe, all yours, every bit of me,” Link grunted through his thrusts.

  Carri knew this would be quick for her, she already felt the flutters of her orgasm as it built. Link must have been feeling the same because his movements were frantic, brutal, and so deep Carri was seeing stars.

  They both came with a shout, the orgasm rushing through Carri was so epic, she saw the stars and the moon, all at once. Link leaned forward resting his head on her chest. Carri moved her hand up and ran her fingers through his hair. She really needed to talk to him about letting it grow longer. What was there was so soft to the touch, she wanted more of it. She’d been going back and forth so much about her feelings for Link, it didn’t even shock her when she realized, yes, she was totally, one hundred percent in love with this man. Things
between them might work, they might not, but she would hold on for the ride for as long as it lasted.

  Chapter 23

  The ride back to the Clubhouse was quiet, Carri didn’t even try to mess around. Link had told her tonight was the night they were going to take down her father. Her father wasn’t a good man, and he needed to pay for everything he’d done. The people of Defiance might look down on the RBMC and think they were scum, but the real scum were the people they gladly worshipped.

  Link pulled into the Club, letting the bike idle. Carri knew he had things to do and wouldn’t give him any grief about it. Getting off, she straightened her clothes and took off the helmet, handing it to him. She was just going to walk away; her emotions getting the better of her. She didn’t want him to go, she didn’t want him to be in danger. She wanted him safe with her, but she knew this was what he did and it was important.

  “It’s going to be okay, Carrington,” Link pulled her body toward him and kissed her nose, leaning his forehead against hers, “we do this stuff all the time.”

  “That doesn’t help, Link.” Carri couldn’t have held the tears back if she wanted to. “I want you safe. I want all of you safe.”

  “None of that now,” Link said, wiping her tears with his thumbs. “I’ll be back before you know it, and we can move on with our lives. You’re a biker chick now, show me that spine of steel.”

  Carri fought back the tears and kissed Link with all the love she had for him. Her eyes might burn like hell, but she would show him she had what it took to be his woman. Carri stood up and smiled at Link, walking away backward, so she wouldn’t miss a second of seeing him.

  “I’ll keep you to that, Lincoln Frost. Be safe and come back to me. I don’t know if I could get through my day without your arrogant ass, so you better keep your word.”

  “You like my arrogant ass, babe,” Link smiled that smile he reserved just for her, “and you know it.”

  “No, Link, I love your sarcastic ass, keep it safe for me.”

  “Right back at ya, babe.”

  And then he was gone, meeting up with the guys who had been waiting for him out front. Carri wasn’t upset he hadn’t said the words back; they were right there in his eyes.

  When she heard the last of the bikes pull out of the drive, she made her way into the Clubhouse. Link wanted her to stick it out here until everything was done, and she was more than happy to stay here. Addy and the rest of the girls were being brought in too. Tuck had even ordered Crank and Cathy in. Carri wanted to see for herself how Cathy was. They had talked a few times since she’d been back, and she had a feeling things with Cathy and Crank weren’t going very well. She’d offered a shoulder, ear, whatever she needed, but Cathy turned her down on all accounts. Maybe if she could talk to her in person that would change.

  The first thing she noticed was Blade had taken up his spot at the bar, nursing a beer. The man was a biker, but he reminded her so much of Santa Claus, it always made her feel a little warm and fuzzy. There had been two Prospects by the door. She didn’t know them very well; she thought one’s name was Cotton and the other Grouch or something, but she really couldn’t remember. They didn’t talk to her, only nodded as she walked by.

  There were only a few other people in the room. Suzie and Reagan were sitting at a table with Cinny. The other two Puppets were sitting at a table by themselves. She went to her friend’s table. Carri didn’t have anything against the two Puppets, they did exactly what they wanted for themselves and the Club, but she wasn’t really ready to include them in her friend pool yet. Cinny, she was another matter, they had been friends for a long time. The woman was beautiful inside and out. Carri had asked her one time why she became a Puppet.

  “I like sex, I’m not ashamed of it. I give these boys what they want, and I get what I want in return. No strings and a little fun. I don’t mess with the attached ones, they know it, and respect my decision. I might play around in the same pool, but it’s no different from going out and having a one off. I just get to stay home and do it,” Cinny had explained.

  Carri knew there was more to it than that, but she never pushed it. Cinny had demons like the rest of them. If she used sex to escape, who was she to judge? Carri had done the same thing not even twenty-four-hours ago. There was one person glaringly absent, which made the fine hairs on Carri’s neck rise.

  “Where’s Addy?” Before any of the girls got a chance to respond, her phone rang. Seeing Addy’s name and smiling face on the screen of her phone, helped Carri calm down a little. If she was calling nothing was wrong. “Hey, Addy, where are you? Addy! Are you there? What’s going on?” There wasn’t anyone on the other end of the line, it was like Addy had butt dialed her. Carri could hear fabric moving around, muffled noises, but she couldn’t make out anything else. Then she heard a scream. Carri started to yell into the phone, but Addy didn’t answer. The line went dead.

  Carri looked around the room. She knew that Reagan, Suzie, and Cinny had all stood up, but she couldn’t deal with them now. Addy needed her. When she spied Crank coming down the stairs, she ran to him.

  “Crank, shit, I don’t know what’s going on. Addy isn’t here, and I got a call from her phone. I could hear her moving around and then there was a scream. Shit, Crank, we need to go to the farm and check on her. Call the guys or damn it, go ourselves. We need to do something.” Crank grabbed her by the shoulder to stop her from jumping around. She was holding her phone out to him like he could do something.

  “Calm down, Carri, I got this.” Crank let her go and went to the door. Carri noticed the gun he had strapped to his back. He yelled at one of the Prospects to follow him and told Blade to lock the place down. Carri followed them out onto the porch and watched the two of them pull away. As she was about to turn back to the house, Val came around the corner at the same time a thick arm banded around her waist, and a rough hand covered her mouth.

  “You bitches are so fucking predictable,” Val sneered. “All I had to do was steal Addy’s phone and make the call, and you left yourself wide open. Hell, you deserve what your daddy will do to you for being so stupid.” Carri struggled against the person holding her, she wasn’t getting anywhere, but that didn’t mean she planned on stopping any time soon.

  Val looked like she was dressed for a kink club. She had on black leather pants and a corset to match. Her hair was pulled back into a severe pony tail at the top of her head. The only other color she had on was the ruby red on her lips and her claws. The woman actually had her nails sharpened into points and painted blood red. This whole thing was like a B-rated movie gone wrong. As Val got closer to her, Carri struggled more and kicked back. Her foot connected with solid flesh and the man holding her grunted, but didn’t let go.

  Val walked up to her with a rag in her hand, pouring some liquid into it, covering Carri’s nose, digging those nails into her face. Carri gagged—whatever was on the rag smelled awful—and ignored the pain. She tried to breathe through her mouth, but the jerk who was holding her had his hand clamped so tightly over it, she couldn’t even get a little air.

  “You shouldn’t have messed with what was mine, bitch. Link is and will always be my plaything. You should have learned that lesson back in high school. But you always were too naïve to see what was right in front of your face. Fuck, you should have never come back. If it wasn’t for you, this would have all been over, but typical Carrington, you had to go putting your nose in where it didn’t belong.”

  Carri kicked forward, nailing Val right in the thigh. The stick woman went down. Carri increased her efforts, biting the jerk’s hand who was holding her. He let go of her mouth, but not her waist. She couldn’t seem to get away from him. She knew if these two got the chance, she wouldn’t be coming back to the RBMC or Link, ever.

  “Link is mine, he claimed me,” Carri spat when Val’s evil little face came close to hers. “You’re nothing to him. Never have been anything to him, but a job he had to do to get the information he wanted. Now, l
et me the fuck go,” Carri screamed, hoping that Blade or the Prospect would hear her, but the fucker behind her had pulled her around the corner, so she was no longer near the door.

  She should have expected it, but was too busy struggling to pay attention. Val slapped her, scraping those fucking nails over her cheek. Then the bitch punched her in the stomach.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. Link always comes back to me and with you out of the picture that will happen sooner rather than later. I’ll be the one there to console him over your betrayal and everything will turn back to the way it’s supposed to be.”

  “In your dreams, Val, Link will never come back to you,” Carri said right before Val put the rag back over Carri’s mouth and nose. Carri watched as Val pulled her arm back to hit her again. Her body wasn’t feeling like her own, it was numb. She heard his voice again and realized who was holding her. James.

  “Get the damn car, Val, she isn’t exactly light, and I don’t want that fat fucker coming out here causing us any problems.”

  Carri slumped against James, unable to keep her eyes open any longer. The last thing she heard before the blackness entirely engulfed her was, “You should have listened to me, Carri.”

  Chapter 24

  Link waited in the shed outside the tunnel as they had planned, but he couldn’t get rid of the feeling something was off. The airfield was quiet, not a single plane was coming in or going out. There was a light on in the tower, but he couldn’t detect any movement within the building. Either the flight controller was sleeping or there wasn’t anyone there. It didn’t make sense, this place was small, but it should be manned around the clock. Link pulled out his phone and texted Tuck.

  Something isn’t right, either we’re being set up or this shipment isn’t coming in here. Things are too quiet.