Dirt Road Redemption (Dirt Road Series Book 2)
Dirt Road Redemption
Down the Dirt Road – Book 2
Authors: Livell James and Chelsea Handcock
Copyright © 2018, Livell James and Chelsea Handcock
First electronic publication: November 2018
All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted works is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.
Note from the Author:
This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third party websites or their content.
Published in the United States of America
He's bonded to evil. She's pure light and love. In a twist of fate, he realizes she's his way out. Now she's his captive… or is she.
Atticus Masters was born a weak werewolf but refused to accept his lot in life. One decision changed all of it. He has power now as a hybrid. His Were is cunning, his Vampire ruthless, and his hybrid beast has the power of an Alpha, but he is still powerless. Bound to an evil Master, he finds a way out, all it will take one sacrifice. His mate.
Danica Valentine has had enough. She has lived in a cage of fear and submission with her old Alpha. Is she going to meekly accept what her mate has decided for them both? He is arrogant, demanding, and abrasive. He feels no love or affection toward her, she is just a means to an end for him. Is she strong enough to stand up and make him see they have a choice? Will these two be able to find their way together? Will fate or evil win. Can they both find what they truly want, love and redemption?
Everything will be revealed during the journey to the Dirt Road.
Content Warning: Explicit love scenes, naughty language. Intended for mature audiences. This book is a part of a series. It can be read as a standalone. Although to get full enjoyment we encourage you to read Down the Dirt Road – Book 1.
Editing –
Sandy Ebel – Personal Touch Editing
Cover Designer –
Randy Sewell -
Photograph –
Randy RLS Sewell
Cover Model –
Caleb Simpkins
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 1
Atticus Masters knelt beside his bed and stared at the beauty who was lying beneath his black satin sheets. The contrast of her sweet form and the sultry fabric enticed him. He wanted to move closer, to hold her in his arms, and take her—claim her as his—but he kept his distance, only allowing himself the pleasure of a few small touches. Her cheek had turned to rosy blush, fascinating him. There was a part of him that didn’t want to dirty her with his tainted touch, but the most prevalent component of him didn’t care, and he knew it wouldn’t take long for that part to win this battle of wills.
Atticus knew he didn’t deserve her, and he shouldn’t have taken her away from everything and everyone she knew and loved. He was and would always be a selfish man, life had taught him that lesson—look out for yourself, always and only, use or be used. Danica was meant to be his—his possession and property to do as he wished with, and he would soon.
His fingers glanced over her cheek again, her beauty drawing him in like a moth to a flame. Their bond was developing faster than he thought possible. Atticus could sense the goodness in her, the love she had in her heart for all things, making him believe he could be one of those things. He knew better than to entertain those thoughts—he shouldn’t want or need anything from Danica except for her body and her womb. He shouldn’t need a so-called happy life, uncomplicated by his past or his future. Disgusted by his own thoughts, Atticus pulled his hand away. He needed to steel himself for what was to come, not start thinking this was some romantic fairy tale or fantasy dream. Reality didn’t work that way—at least, not his.
Still, he remained by her side, marveling at her presence. Her scent reminded him of wildflowers and sunshine, warmth and happiness—things he had never felt for himself, things he didn’t think he was capable of feeling anymore. But he vowed to at least try to make her happy in some way. Atticus again second-guessed his decision taking her. She wasn’t meant for his life. Eventually, everything that made her good would be hardened, and she would hate him. The truth was, he probably wouldn’t change any of it even if he could.
He looked at his angel, innocent and pure, things so rare and beautiful to him. His life didn’t allow purity or innocents. The people he surrounded himself with, his new family, were all lethal and wicked. It was almost more comfortable that way, no need for unwanted concerns about being offensive or too harsh, they all expected it.
His life had shown him everyone was out to get something, use him or themselves to get what they wanted. In a way, he was doing the same thing to this poor creature. He was going to use her to gain his freedom, to take back a life he never got the chance to live because of choices he made when he was little more than a boy.
He heard someone clear their throat to get his attention but didn’t need to look up, he knew Sage had come into the room.
“She’s beautiful.”
Atticus kept looking down at Danica—her soft, smooth ivory skin, pale pink supple lips he longed to kiss, the crescent shapes of her long dark eyelashes resting on her cheeks—and nodded.
“She is that without question,” Atticus answered.
“Is she hurt or just out because you flashed with her?” Sage questioned.
Annoyed with the interruption, he still answered, Sage, deserved that much.
“I wouldn’t hurt her, Sage, you know that,” Atticus said, shaking his head. Still looking at Danica, he wondered how anyone could hurt her. Clearing his throat, he said quietly, “It was the flash, her animal can’t take the speed, it disorients them and shuts them down. I had the same problem if you remember.”
“Oh, I remember, Atti,” Sage laughed a little. “I remember finding you passed out in some of the oddest places until you got control of your powers.”
Atticus remembered too but didn’t laugh because those memories weren’t good. When he lost control and flashed, passing out, it left him vulnerable to Bane. If it wasn’t for Sage, he would have suffered far more than he had, but she hadn’t always been around. Sometimes, he was alone, and that’s when he paid the most.
He and Sage watched over each other as much as t
hey could, forming a familial bond he was grateful for. They tried to protect each another but always fell short in the early days. Now, it was different, but the memories were still sharp in his mind—the pain, degradation, and humiliation. He didn’t think he would ever get over it.
“You know, they’re going to come for her, right?” Sage stated. This time, Atticus did get up, brushing his fingers lightly across Danica’s cheek. Unable to resist, he bent, placing a small kiss on her forehead before he left her side.
Standing, he faced his longest and dearest friend. Sage was a beautiful woman in her own right—tall and lean with gorgeous, naturally sun-soaked skin from her Latin heritage, something unheard of in vampires. Unfortunately, that distinctive skin color had made her just as prized to their Master as Atticus had been in his youth—all because his boyish features appealed to the man. As he grew older, his features changed, making him less appealing to their Master. He became more of a competitor than a pet. Sage, on the other hand, would never change, making her valued but not cherished.
“Her pack?” Atticus asked, crossing his arms over his chest, mirroring her own stance.
“Yes, her pack, Atti. They are going to come for her, not only them but Bane and his minions. He won’t let you have this… none of them will,” Sage growled like he was some stupid, annoying child.
“I think I already have her,” Atticus said, cocking his eyebrow, motioning his hand toward the bed. “My brother and his pack have other things to worry about, they won’t interfere in this, she is my mate. By law, they cannot interfere.”
Stepping fully into the room, Sage stared at him for a moment, her brow creased and her head cocked to the side like she was trying to figure something out.
“You’re wrong, and you know it. You’re not pack, you’re a hybrid. Hybrids don’t get the same consideration as pack. Why are you trying to delude yourself?” She put her hand up, stopping him from responding. Atticus wouldn’t allow that type of behavior from anyone but Sage. He had killed people for talking to him with more respect than she was showing now.
“Even ignoring that, you still have Bane to deal with—your blood bond, your oath, and the dark magic that bind you to him. He will come for her and destroy her, you get that, right? I can already hear him calling for us to return, I know you can too.”
Atticus could, in fact, hear Bane calling to him. Right now, it was just a whisper, but he knew in the coming days, it would be a shout, a command he would have to fight to refuse. But he knew something Sage didn’t.
“Sage, there are things that you don’t know, things I found out working in Bane’s library. He has never been honest with us, there are ways to break the bonds which hold us to him. Plus, I don’t plan on giving Bane the option of giving an opinion on the matter.”
“With his death. Shit, Atti, we all know that, but he is impossible to touch. He is never alone, his enforcers are always within hearing distance of him. Hell, you know this as well as I do, we used to be those enforcers, or have you forgotten so easily? Even if you could get him alone, he is not to be trifled with, his power is unmatched even by you.”
“I haven’t forgotten a damn thing,” Atticus said, stomping to the window on the far side of the room. It was getting harder and harder to stay quiet and have this conversation with Sage. Danica still needed her sleep to recover from their rough travels. Atticus wanted to believe what he had found out was real, and there was a chance to break free of the oppressive, torturous hold Bane had on him. Finding an answer had consumed him for so long now, he refused to believe what he discovered wasn’t the truth, that he could make it happen—the precious person, sleeping in his bed, could and would free him.
Atticus quieted, taking several minutes to control the rage he felt building in him. He didn’t want to discuss this with Sage right now, but as his closest friend, she deserved some answers. She was putting her life at risk alongside his, and he wouldn’t repay her by being an ass.
“Sage, taking her blood can break Bane’s hold on me,” Atticus said, barely above a whisper.
He heard Sage sigh before she said, “You're holding back like you always do. What aren’t you telling me? If it’s as simple as you say and all you need to do is take her blood, then do it now. She’s out cold, she won’t remember.” When Atticus didn’t move from his spot in front of the window, she raised her voice louder. “Do it!” Sage goaded, waving her hand in Danica’s direction. When Atticus didn’t move, Sage asked with dismay, “You can’t, can you?”
Atticus didn’t like that she was right—he couldn’t do it now, something was holding him back—but he placated her or tried to.
“Preparations need to be made before that can happen.”
“More dark magic?” Sage questioned. “You know, your reliance on the dark will taint anything you do with that girl. If you take her blood and all your grand plans don’t come to fruition, you could become beholden to her. Or make her beholden to Bane. It could all backfire. Shit, for all you know, Bane set it up so you read those books just to find this ‘so-called’ information. Whatever it is that has you so certain you can change fate, you have to admit, you could be wrong!”
“It will work, Sage, you just have to trust me. Trust I know what I’m doing, that I have prepared for this, researched it.”
“Again, what if it doesn’t? You could do this, and it could result in giving Bane total control over you again. He has known for a while now you have been resisting him. We all have.”
Atticus watched Sage rub her arms as if to comfort herself. He knew pulling away from Bane had caused her more harm than him. She wouldn’t talk about it, but he had watched the light go out in her eyes for the last couple of months. He also knew all the ways Bane made people pay for any slight. Sage’s beauty only got her so far. Atticus had begged Sage to tell him, but she refused, and he wouldn’t force it out of her now. Atticus knew, one day, she would tell him. He had to be okay with that and be there when she needed him, just like she had always been there for him.
Turning, he walked to her, hugging her quickly—he knew that was all the comfort she would accept from him. Pulling back while still holding her arms, he looked her in the eye.
“Sage, this is different, she is my mate—both my Were side and Vampire side agree. You know I’m not like you. Each entity in my body is its own until they are joined. The Vampire side comes out at night, the Were during the day and on the full moon. If they join, that is another creature altogether. But one thing all three agree on is Danica Valentin is our true mate.
Sage just shook her head, blood red tears in her eyes.
“I sensed her before I even caught sight of her, I knew she was there. I felt it right in here,” Atticus said, pounding his fist against his chest.
“Vampire don’t get mates, Atti,” Sage said softly.
“I don’t believe that, Sage, everything I read in that library says that’s just another one of Bane’s lies. Vampire have always had mates. Hell, other Covens believe in true mates. Sage, this book even says Vampire are capable of having children if their true mate is Other.”
Sage was still shaking her head, but Atticus brought his hands up, cradling it in his hands, stopping the movement.
“Yes, Sage, even you can have a child if your true mate is Other.”
“No, Atti, don’t do this. I am Vampire, I accepted this from the time Bane changed me. My future is in blood and death, not life and love. What you’re talking about is a fairy tale, nothing more,” Sage said, pulling entirely out of his arms. Atticus let her go, knowing there was only one thing that would change her mind.
Going over to his desk, he pulled open the bottom drawer and took out the lockbox he had placed there. Retrieving the key around his neck, he unlocked the box. Pulling out the book, he walked over to Sage, holding it out to her.
“You need to read this, Sage, then you’ll understand. The blood bond can be broken. If we get a light witch to do a ceremony, the dark magic bond can also be b
roken. It’s all in here, everything Bane didn’t want any us to know about or hope for.
“Vampire haven’t always lived on the outside, alone. At one time, all the Others lived together for the same goal—survival. I think Bane changed that, just like he changed other things. Read this, then come back and talk to me.”
Sage still hadn’t taken the book and was looking at it like it was a snake ready to bite her. Atticus knew there was only one thing he could do.
“Sage, I have never lied to you, and I wouldn’t lie about this either, you need to trust me and read this. I won’t influence you, other than putting this in your hands. You need to come up with your own conclusions, but you need all the facts.”
Sage took the book, holding it away from her like it was poison. Walking back to his desk, he took out another notebook, one he had been working on for several years.
“After you read that, I want you to read this. I have investigated the claim in that book, and these are my findings. You know I would never trust something in Bane’s possession. I needed to come to my own conclusions before I brought them to anyone.”
Sage came over and took the notebook, holding it closer to her body. Looking him in the eye, she said, “I trust you Atti, I will read these, but then we will talk.”
“That is all I can ask, Sage.”
“I hope you’re right, I hope everything has been a lie, but Atti, every lie has a little truth in it, that’s something you need to remember.”
Atticus watched Sage leave the room. He was no longer able to watch Danica sleep, he needed to keep his distance for the moment and get his mind straight again. It seemed like he was on a constant roller coaster of what-ifs, and he didn’t like it. If what Sage said was true, the right thing to do would be to let Danica go. He shouldn’t put her through the ceremony to break the dark magic or the blood bond that would bind them for life, but he knew he was going to. If there was just a small chance of this working, he was going to take it.