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Ethan: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 5)
Ethan: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 5) Read online
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Alpha Team
NAC & The Holly Group
Author: Chelsea Handcock
Copyright © 2017, Chelsea Handcock
First electronic publication: August 2017
All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted works is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.
Note from the Author:
This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third party websites or their content.
Edited by Sandy Ebel, Perosnal Touch Editing, August 2017.
Published in the United States of America.
Ethan Lord has distinct tastes when it comes to women, ready, willing, and submissive. His life is simple—work and play. The two areas never intersect and that's the way he likes it. When he finds a pretty little thing kneeling at his feet ready, willing, and submissive, the mating instinct hits him like a Mack truck, and he isn't so sure he can keep the two separate much longer. So, he does the only thing he can think of, walk away, but not before leaving a lasting impression.
Sophie has been sent on a mission to infiltrate the Alpha Team in any way possible. She never thought that would mean being sent to a Sex Club and acting the part of a Submissive. Her thoughts, feelings, and views don't matter, the Overseer gave his instructions, and she must follow them. The lives of her sister, nephew, and her own depend on the outcome of this mission. She will do whatever it takes to complete it.
Too bad nothing ever goes as planned.
***WARNING: contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and very mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up***
Table of Contents
Alpha Team
NAC & The Holly Group
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Ethan Lord, Weapons Expert for NAC’s Alpha team, looked around at the lightly snow-covered forest and took a deep breath, damn it had felt like forever since he had been home. The crisp cool spring air of upper Michigan agreed with him and his bear, hell all the seasons here in Michigan appeased them both. Warmer climates tended to stifle him and the being that lived within his body. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan was home, and as far as Ethan was concerned, one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
Stretching out his body by doing lunges, bends, and a few light calisthenics, Ethan prepared to start his workout; first up a six-mile run, and he was determined to get it in before meeting up with the members of his team for weapons training. Something always seemed to come up these days preventing him from his standard routine. Standing, Ethan cracked his neck, shook out his arms and legs, and started jogging at a slow pace.
The past month and a half had been rough on his body and his bear.
Being a Shifter, it was common to let your animal out to roam at least once a month. With the search for Cash, the team had been letting their animals out more often, way too often, at times, several times a day. Some would think this would make their animals compliant; it didn’t. It made them aggressive and demanding, wanting more freedom. It was a daily fight to keep the animal within under control, and Ethan didn’t see that stopping anytime soon; there was too much going on in the clans and with NAC.
Ethan and the others had been searching for their missing Second, Cash. They were determined to either find him or his body. There wasn’t any other option for them. Cash was family and Alpha Team refused to leave a brother behind, period. Hell, other teams of NAC had come and gone searching when other missions and priorities allowed. NAC as a whole was a weird makeshift family, and Ethan couldn’t be happier being a part of them.
Ethan didn’t have the messed-up family life that some of his other teammates had experienced. His childhood and teen years were pretty average until his sixteenth birthday. Even then, it wasn’t anything abusive, just different. He even had a relationship with his mother which many Shifters children couldn’t say. She had been warm and sweet with him and his twin brothers. Unfortunately, she died young, and Ethan had mourned her loss along with his family. His father seemed to change after she died, the grief too much for him to handle. Although he never married her, which he said was for her own good often, Ethan believed he loved her dearly. Shifters were notorious cheaters and supposedly couldn’t remain faithful to anyone other than their true mates. Ethan didn't believe that because his Dad denied himself even though he kept his distance from his mother.
Damn, just thinking about his mom and dad he wondered if maybe they were true mates after all; both had remained faithful to each other as far as he knew, yet apart because of a nature Shifters were just starting to find out wasn’t even truthful now. True mates existed, and from what NAC and the Holly Group were finding out, they always had. It would have been nice to have seen his parents together like Jacks and Ryleigh. Jacks was the Alpha of their team, and before meeting Ryleigh, he had been a love ‘em and leave ‘em guy, just like the rest of his team. Now he was a mate, husband, and father along with his Alpha duties; Ethan had never seen him happier.
Ryleigh had come into the Alpha Team like a wrecking ball, destroying long believed lies, bringing truths that blew them all away. Humans had known about Shifters for many years and had been conducting experiments to try to produce their own super army and slaves for the smug and wealthy
. It all disgusted Ethan. Young shifters poisoned by drugs placed in water sources were forced into human clinics only to be poked, prodded, and tested. Hell, that was just the Pandora Group. NAC and the Holly Group were still trying to find out how deeply Davis Defense is involved with the abuse of his race.
Pandora contracted a doctor to impregnate woman using the sperm and DNA collected from their experiments to make shifter children. Unfortunately for them, their test failed, or so they thought. The children they created had Shifter genetics, but lacked the ability to shift. That didn't mean they weren't special, it just meant they held other unique gifts. All of NAC was ecstatic the assholes never looked further than shifting. The new true mates of Alpha Team, Ryleigh, Emma, and Peyton were all products of this type of experiment. Sky was a different story; she is one of the only known natural female shifters alive. Ethan didn’t doubt for a minute that would change.
Ethan felt the vibration of his phone in the pocket of his sweatpants and almost growled out loud. Hell, what did a person have to do to get some fucking normalcy? He just wanted to go for a run on two legs instead of four, and he couldn’t even fucking do that. Stopping he took a couple of breaths before he answered. He wasn’t out of breath from his work out, but rather from his exasperation at not being able to finish it.
Answering in the least professional way possible Ethan said, “Yo,” and waited.
“Dude, beers in the garage in five,” Bas said without even saying hello.
“What,” Ethan put his free hand on his hip and sighed, “are we like teenagers now hiding a couple of sips of beer from our parents?”
“No, asshole, we are like husbands and fathers trying to get in a little male bonding before the wives and babies mess it all up.
“Dude,” Ethan said mimicking Bas, “that’s your guys’ problem; I don’t have a ball and chain or a crib midget to yank me around by the dick. I don’t see why we can’t just have beers in the nice, warm kitchen that doesn’t smell like gas, oil, and mildew.”
“Whatever, Dude, three minutes; now be there or be square or your normal moody bastard self, your choice,” Bas laughed before hanging up. Bas had always been an asshole, they all were, but Ethan liked the changes he was seeing in his team now that they all had mates. He also liked that none of them would be going rogue and have to be put down. Mated Shifters were bound to their mates uniting the man and the beast, making them one. Without a mate, the man and beast constantly fought for control until the animal won causing the man to go crazy. It wasn’t something he ever wanted for any of his friends.
For him, though, that was exactly what was going to happen because he refused to find his mate or even look for her. He didn’t know if she was out there and he didn’t care. Was he afraid of love, marriage, and kid’s? Hell, No! What he was worried about was being saddled with a woman that couldn’t handle or was unwilling to try certain proclivities he had, specifically his interest in BDSM. He liked rough, down and dirty, kinky sex. He liked it so much, he didn't think he could ever be involved in a vanilla relationship with missionary sex every Wednesday and Saturday.
Ethan wanted his mate wet, willing, and wanting all the time. He wanted to spank her ass with his hand, flogger, and paddle until she screamed out his name after an incredible orgasm. Fuck, there were so many things he wanted to do, his mind couldn't even summons all the depraved and deviant things he wanted to do to his own mate, but he didn't see that happening. It was better just to keep his urges confined to the Club where there were always willing submissives begging him to do the things he wanted and needed.
Ethan couldn’t see any of the true mates wanting what he had to give. Each one had suffered trauma at the hands of others—physical, emotional and everything else in-between. Ethan loved each of them as sisters and admired their ability to persevere through extreme hardships. Hell, the women of Alpha were all fierce; he didn’t deny it, even admired it. All the woman had submissive tendencies, but they were also all brats, and Ethan didn’t tolerate brats. He wanted obedience and acceptance, not controversy and insolence from the woman or women he chose to be with, and not whatever fate had designed for him, that was for sure.
Shit, thinking of all that reminded him that he needed to speak with Jacks; looked like he would be having beers in the garage after all. Jogging back only took a couple of seconds, and when he opened the door to the garage, he couldn’t help but give the guys some shit.
“What the hell is this shit? Damn, I never thought I would see the day that the Alpha Team, best of the best, pride and joy of NAC, were reduced to a bunch of pussy-whipped pantywaists. When are you four going to get your balls back?” Ethan asked indicating the guys all sitting on lawn chairs in a circle facing a box of some sort holding two baby monitors.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Jacks said propping his feet up on the box careful not to knock over the monitor, “I like the things Rye does to my balls every day, hell,” he said smirking, “multiple times a day and a few more times a night. You’re just a jealous you don’t have someone fondling yours on the frequent. When’s the last time you got to go to the Club?” Jacks said with an even bigger smile.
“Doesn’t matter how long; when it happens, my balls are left hanging free and loose, brother. I’ve watched Rye grips the guns she loves to play with,” Ethan said with a wince, “if you like a grip like a vice on your boys, who am I to say anything?”
“Damn, I’ve sparred with Rye. Half the time when the screaming starts, I’m surprised when it’s not Jacks voice we hear.”
Jacks whipped his head to Dalton and stared him down with a what the fuck look on his face. Dalton just shrugged his shoulders.
“I know what you mean. The other night I had to come back to the lodge because I forgot some paperwork. I walked past Jacks and Ryleigh’s rooms, and I shit you not, I heard crying, and Jacks saying ‘no baby just stop.’ I stood there for a second and…”
“Shut the fuck up, Wyatt, that was Quinn, he’s teething. Hell, you’re just making shit up, now,” Jacks said without moving or changing the tone of his voice. He looked like a man who was carefree and bored with the conversation, but Ethan knew better. “Anyway, who had to move out of the lodge because he was keeping everyone up all night? That wasn’t Rye or me. I can't remember who was it,” Jacks said looking to Wyatt.
“What can I say,” Wyatt said with a big assed grin on his face, “my woman is vocal and energetic? Hell, if it gets any better, we might have to move into town, so you fuckers can get some sleep. She does this thing with her tongue...”
“Dude, that’s my sister you’re talking about,” Bas said disgusted.
“Hate to break it to you Bas,” Wyatt leaned over and patted Bas on the shoulder, “but I do your sister on the regular and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.” Trying to keep a straight face Bas, on the other hand, punched him right in the arm hard.
Damn, Ethan, thought he missed this the easy banter with the guys like old times; the only thing missing was Cash putting his two cents in, hell that weighed on him. Ethan took the only remaining unoccupied seat, the heaviness of his thoughts forced his eyes to the floor. Fuck, Cash should be here with them. Almost two months ago Cash went down on a plane that had been sabotaged by the Association. His parachute and vest were found by Bas with blood on them, but not his body and Alpha had been searching ever since.
Ethan felt pressure on his shoulder and knew it was Jacks lending his support. Sighing Ethan leaned back, but before he could say anything to the guys, a voice from his past interrupted him.
Chapter 2
“If this is what Declan is paying you assholes for, he might want to consider a giving you a pay cut.” Jacks, Dalton, Bas, and Wyatt jumped from their chairs, but Ethan remained sitting; he knew it didn’t do any good to feed into Matthias’ ego. He was essentially the boogie man of the Shifter world, myths and legends were spread about him far and wide, and the man liked it that way. He also knew that, if Matthias was paying Alpha a
personal visit, things were only going to get worse. Reaching down into the cooler on the floor next to Jacks now overturned chair, Ethan grabbed a beer and prepared himself for the fireworks.
Ethan could feel Jacks dominance spreading across the room, and he was thankful that he was already sitting because when Matthias started in the garage, he was sure all of them would be on the floor soon. Ethan watched the man much as he had sixteen years ago when he was summoned for his training. Matthias was a mystery, hell even more so now that Ethan was seeing him again. Matthias hadn’t aged at all, not a wrinkle or gray hair in sight. He looked exactly the same, dark everything—hair, eyes, skin, hell, even his clothes black leather pants—black t-shirt and leather duster, and if he wasn’t mistaken, they seemed to be the same as well. Shifters lived longer lives, but without the anchor of a true mate most went Rogue and were put down either by their Alphas or for the harder more extreme cases, by Matthias himself. He was the Enforcer of the Shifter world and also the most feared, even more so then Senior, and that was saying something.
Ethan took another sip of his beer, then leaned down and put it on the floor. Watching Jacks and Matthias stand off against each other was like watching a disaster of epic portions start; you knew there was going to be blood and pain, but there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it, so you just waited. When Matthias’ dominance started to seep through the air, Ethan felt sick, it started deep within his gut and moved up making him weak. Dalton, Wyatt, and Bas weren’t faring all that well, either. It didn’t take long for Wyatt and Bas to fall to their knees. Dalton held out a little longer, but that was all, and he was down as well.
It stopped almost as quickly as it started, and Ethan was able to take a breath. Wyatt, Bas, and Dalton were still down, and Jacks was still putting off his dominance, but it had lightened. Matthias was up to something, and Ethan knew it wouldn’t be good. Matthias started walking around the garage touching things, picking them up, and putting them back down. He was showing Jacks that he was inconsequential to him that Mathias held the power. Jacks was pumped up, his body was primed, and his eyes were glowing like neon; Matthias, on the other hand, was the picture of calm. Jacks needed to be wary. After a couple of minutes, Matthias looked to Jacks.